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Small boxes for gRRReat games
A range of mini games, easy to carry around but offering a wide variety of strategies and depth of play!
A game by Antoine Bauza, Corentin Lebrat, Ludovic Maublanc and Théo Rivière
illustrated by Camille Chaussy and Valériane Holley
January 2024

The great zeppelins annual final race can start! The Octopirates vs. the Meowmurais.
For the occasion, esteemed guests paid through their noses for a seat on board of these exceptional ships.
But as soon as the race begins, it is war !
In the air, no one will hear you fall…
To win : destroy all the opposing zeppelins or have the most gold when one of the player’s decks is empty.
Pick a crew Deck : Octopirates or Meowmurais.
On your turn, you may carry out 2 actions amongst :
– play a card in one of your columns (it is not allowed to play a card in the column that has the most cards) and apply its play effect,
– discard a card from one of your columns and apply its discard effect,
– draw a card.
There are 5 different types of cards, with each having a play and a discard effect. That gives 10 abilities that can be used to save treasures, attack your opponent and the secure the estimeed guests.
Gold’n Crash is a dynamic game, with no time out, with many combinations. The rules are simple but the game offers a nice learning curve.


93 cards